Binary Trigger vs Forced Recessed Trigger (FRT) Complete Guide

Binary Trigger vs Forced Recessed Trigger (FRT) Complete Guide

Learn the crucial differences between binary triggers and Forced Reset Triggers (FRTs). Discover how each mechanism works, its legal compliance, and more. We answer common questions like “What is an FRT? “ and “What is a reset trigger?” —and provide the insights you need.

If you are looking to speed up your shooting but cannot afford tens of thousands of dollars for a transferable full auto, a binary trigger or a Forced Reset Trigger (FRT) may be what you are after.

However, it is essential to note that neither a forward reset trigger, another name for the FRT, nor a binary trigger will turn any gun into a full-auto firearm. This is what keeps these triggers from being called a Class III device.

Here is a look at the binary trigger vs. the FRT to help you decide which is right for you. 

Understanding Binary Triggers 

What is a binary trigger?

A binary trigger allows you to shoot one shot by squeezing the trigger. This is no different than any other gun trigger. The trigger group and firing mechanism reset in a semi-automatic gun when the bolt chambers another round. The binary resets the trigger to shoot on release instead of requiring another trigger pull.

These triggers are now available for a variety of guns, like the 10/22, AR15, and variants, AK and variants.

How Binary Triggers Work

With a binary trigger, the gun shoots when you pull the trigger. When you release the trigger, the gun fires again. Squeeze, shoot. Release, shoot. This two-part action is where the binary name comes from.

The squeeze and release is a natural action when shooting. The gun firing on release may take a few shots to adapt to that action.

Depending on the gun and the shooter, the binary trigger can almost double the rate of fire compared to a standard trigger. Some expert shooters can use the binary to get close to the speed of a full-auto firearm, though they will never achieve the harmonious cyclic rate that a full-auto would have. The trigger does not affect the maximum possible rate of fire. The gun simply cannot shoot faster than the bolt will reliably cycle, no matter what trigger you use.

Importantly, the gun will not fire again until you squeeze the binary trigger again after the shot on release.

The latest generation of binary triggers lets you choose not to take that second shot when releasing the trigger. Holding the trigger down, you flip the safety/selector switch to safe and the gun will not fire. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction when you release the trigger.

Benefits and Limitations of Binary Triggers

If you need to send a lot of lead downrange quickly, a binary trigger can get the job done. One practical use for a binary trigger is during timed shooting competitions, where speed matters more than precision.

However, binary triggers can lead some shooters to burn through a lot of ammunition, which can become expensive. Additionally, relying on the quick follow-up shot might cause some shooters to get sloppy with their accuracy, assuming they’ll have a second chance if the first shot misses.

While there are a few scenarios where a high rate of fire is more important than shot placement, these situations are rare. For most shooters, a binary trigger is simply not practical, but a really fun range toy.

Exploring Forced Reset Triggers (FRTs)

What is a forced reset trigger?

An FRT uses a modified hammer in an AR-15 platform. The combination of the bolt and modified hammer forces a reset of the firing mechanism, advancing the rate of fire. Understanding this, the shooter would still have to squeeze the trigger for each shot, and you would only get one shot per squeeze.

How does a forced reset trigger work?

A Forced Reset Trigger operates using a mechanical system that actively forces the trigger to reset after each shot, enabling a rapid rate of fire while maintaining semi-automatic functionality. It is essential to distinguish an FRT from a binary trigger. Unlike a binary trigger, which fires one round upon the trigger pull and another upon its release, the FRT only fires when the trigger is pulled.

FRT Mechanism Explained

Trigger Pull (Firing Sequence). When the shooter pulls the trigger, the hammer is released, striking the firing pin and discharging a round. This action cycles the bolt carrier group (BCG) rearward, driven by the pressure of the expanding gases.

Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) Interaction. As the BCG moves rearward, it cocks the hammer and simultaneously engages a mechanical component within the trigger assembly designed to push the trigger forward. This forced forward motion ensures a positive reset of the trigger.

Forced Reset Mechanism. The forced reset occurs when the BCG travels far enough rearward to engage the reset cam or similar component, mechanically driving the trigger back to its reset position. The shooter must maintain rearward pressure on the trigger for the cycle to continue; without consistent trigger pressure, the trigger will remain in its reset state, preventing the firearm from firing again.

Subsequent Shots. Once the trigger resets, if the shooter maintains pressure and pulls the trigger again, the cycle repeats. If the shooter releases the trigger, it will remain in the forward position, ceasing fire.

Advantages and Disadvantages of FRTs

Forced Reset Triggers significantly increase the rate of fire compared to a standard semi-automatic trigger, similar to the effect of a binary trigger. For shooters who want to send more rounds downrange without the expense and legal hurdles of a full-auto firearm, an FRT can be a viable solution.


  • Increased Rate of Fire: The forced reset mechanism enables a much faster follow-up shot compared to traditional semi-auto triggers, making it useful in scenarios where a high volume of fire is desirable.
  • Cost-Effective Alternative: For those who want faster shooting performance without investing in a full-auto firearm, the FRT provides a more affordable and accessible option.


  • Requires Finger Control: Proper operation of an FRT demands good trigger finger discipline. If the shooter applies excessive rearward pressure, the forced reset may fail because the mechanism can’t push the trigger forward properly.
  • Learning Curve: The mechanical reset action introduces a force that moves the shooter’s finger forward after each shot, which can feel unnatural to those accustomed to standard or binary triggers. Shooters must practice to develop the right balance of finger pressure.
  • Increased Ammunition Consumption: Like binary triggers, FRTs make it easy to burn through ammunition quickly, making range sessions more expensive compared to standard semi-automatic triggers.

Ultimately, the FRT is often seen as a fun range accessory rather than a practical tool for precision shooting or tactical applications. While it can provide an exciting experience, shooters must invest time in mastering its operation to use it effectively. 

Limitations and Platform Compatibility

The FRT is engineered explicitly for AR-platform rifles and is generally compatible with AR-15 models that use a standard direct-impingement or gas-piston system. However, it may not reliably function in all AR variants, particularly those with non-standard bolt carrier groups or trigger pocket dimensions. 

The forced reset trigger represents a mechanical innovation that enhances the rate of fire within the bounds of semi-automatic operation by utilizing the kinetic energy of the BCG to reset the trigger with each cycle.

Key Differences: Binary vs FRT 

While binary triggers and forced reset triggers (FRTs) both increase the rate of fire compared to a standard semi-automatic trigger, they function in fundamentally different ways and are designed for different firearm platforms.

Functional Differences (Action)

  • Binary Trigger: A binary trigger fires one round when the trigger is pulled and a second round when the trigger is released. Each motion—pulling and releasing—is considered a distinct trigger action.
  • Forced Reset Trigger (FRT): The FRT fires a single round when the trigger is pulled. After each shot, the trigger is mechanically forced forward to reset, but the shooter must pull the trigger again to fire subsequent rounds.

Platform Compatibility (Firearm Differences)

  • Binary Trigger: Binary triggers are available for a variety of firearm platforms, including AR-15s, AK-pattern rifles, and some pistol-caliber carbines.
  • Forced Reset Trigger (FRT): Due to the specific interaction required between the bolt carrier group and trigger components, FRTs are currently only available for the AR-15 platform. Even within the AR-15 family, some variants may not support an FRT due to design differences.

Legal and Practical Considerations (Reality Check)

  • Rate of Fire: Both triggers can significantly increase the rate of fire but do not convert the firearm into fully automatic operation. Each trigger action still results in only one round fired per pull.
  • Legal Distinction: With a binary trigger, the BATF classifies the release of the trigger as a second trigger action, effectively treating it like two distinct shots per full cycle. With an FRT, the shooter must pull the trigger again after each forced reset for subsequent shots, making it a traditional semi-automatic action with mechanical assistance for the reset.

Performance Impact

While both systems can increase a shooter’s rate of fire, they do not enhance accuracy. In fact, the increased recoil and rapid trigger manipulation often make maintaining precision more difficult. Both triggers are generally considered fun range accessories rather than precision shooting tools.

Functionality Comparison

While binary triggers and forced reset triggers (FRTs) both help shooters fire more rapidly than standard semi-automatic triggers, they achieve this through different mechanisms. It’s essential to understand that neither trigger increases the firearm’s mechanical rate of fire — the bolt carrier group and other cycling components set that upper limit.

Forced Reset Trigger (FRT)

An FRT uses the cycling action of the firearm to mechanically force the trigger forward after each shot. This forced reset means your trigger finger moves as the mechanism pushes it forward, rather than through your own conscious effort. While you still feel the movement, the reset action happens automatically due to the interaction between the bolt carrier group and the trigger assembly.

This design requires disciplined trigger control. If you maintain consistent rearward pressure without releasing the trigger, the firearm will continue to fire as long as it cycles. Learning when and how to release the trigger is crucial to maintaining accuracy and preventing unintended follow-up shots.

Binary Trigger

A binary trigger works differently by firing one round when the trigger is pulled and a second round when it is released. The shooter remains in control of when the second shot occurs by deciding when to release the trigger. This allows more time to reacquire the target and improve accuracy between shots.

While both triggers increase the effective rate of fire, they demand different techniques and skill sets. FRTs rely heavily on mechanical reset forces, requiring the shooter to adapt to the automatic trigger movement. In contrast, binary triggers give the shooter more control over the timing of the second shot, often making it easier to manage accuracy during rapid fire.

Performance Analysis

When it comes to performance, both binary triggers and forced reset triggers (FRTs) offer the same basic appeal for most shooters: increased rate of fire and the ability to send more rounds downrange. For the average shooter, both options provide a fun way to burn through ammunition, but there are distinct differences in performance when considering speed, accuracy, and reliability.

Rate of Fire

Both triggers can significantly increase a firearm’s rate of fire compared to a standard semi-automatic trigger. However, for experienced shooters with refined trigger control, the FRT may offer a slightly faster cycling rate due to its mechanical reset action. Since the trigger is physically pushed forward during the firearm’s cycling process, shooters who learn to manage this forced reset can achieve faster follow-up shots than a binary trigger.


If precision shooting is your priority, the binary trigger has a clear advantage. Since the shooter controls when the second round is fired by releasing the trigger, there’s more time to reacquire the target between shots. This control makes the binary trigger better suited for situations where accuracy is more important than the sheer volume of fire.


Regarding reliability, the FRT stands out as the more dependable option. Its design involves fewer internal components, reducing the likelihood of mechanical failure. Binary triggers, especially in AR-15 platforms, often come with replacement springs and may require additional maintenance. Installing or replacing these springs can be complex and is typically a task best handled by a qualified gunsmith.

While both triggers excel in delivering rapid fire, the FRT’s simpler design lends itself to better long-term reliability, while the binary trigger offers more precise control over each shot. Ultimately, the right choice depends on the shooter’s goals — whether it’s maximizing the rate of fire, improving accuracy, or ensuring mechanical reliability.

Legal Considerations and Compliance

Disclaimer: The information provided in this section is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. Laws and regulations regarding Forced Reset Triggers and binary triggers vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change. This article was written on Thursday, February 20, 2024.

The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) does not provide legal advice. If you have legal questions or concerns regarding the devices described, you should consult with a qualified attorney who is familiar with the applicable laws in your area. 

As of this writing, binary triggers and FRTs have not been banned by Congress, although some states have banned one or both. However, the legal status of FRTs is currently being litigated in the federal courts.

Forced Reset Triggers were deemed machineguns by the ATF under the Biden administration, effectively banning them via agency regulation. The National Association for Gun Rights filed a lawsuit to overturn this agency classification in August of 2023. 

The lawsuit states that the ATF violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) by effectively writing a new law, an action reserved for Congress. This is the exact same type of challenge that saw the federal ban on bump stocks overturned at the Supreme Court in 2024.

The district court issued Final Judgment in NAGR’s favor on 7/24/2024. This judgment barred ATF from civil and criminal enforcement of their FRT ban and ordered FRTs to be returned to NAGR members.

ATF appealed this decision, and NAGR is currently awaiting a ruling on the merits from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Fifth Circuit ruling could drastically change the legal position of FRTs, although Fifth Circuit precedent indicates that the ruling will likely uphold the district court’s judgment against the ATF. 

With the recent turnover at the Department of Justice and ATF under the Trump administration, an executive order was issued for the Attorney General and the DOJ to review all rules and regulations passed under the Biden administration involving the Second Amendment for constitutionality. 

This review could well lead to ATF changing their determination that FRTs are machineguns, the ATF’s opposition to NAGR’s lawsuit, and could impact the return of these devices to their lawful owners.

Even with the federal ban on FRTs being enjoined by the courts, some states still hold their own bans on such devices. These vary from outright bans on possession of FRT devices to bans on FRT-equipped firearms.

If you live in a state that bans the possession of FRTs or binary triggers, and you are in possession of one, we recommend you contact an attorney to discuss your options. 

Dudley Brown (NAGR President) with Lawrence Demonico of Rare Breed Triggers

Making the Right Choice

Deciding whether a binary trigger or a forced reset trigger (FRT) is the right choice for you depends on your specific needs and intended use. Here’s a breakdown to help guide your decision:

1. Precision Shooting:

  • Best Choice: Binary Trigger
  • Why: The binary trigger allows you to release the trigger only when you’re ready for the follow-up shot. This gives you more time to reposition, reacquire your target, and maintain accuracy between shots.

2. Hunting:

  • Best Choice: Binary Trigger
  • Why: When tracking moving game, accurate follow-up shots are often more critical than speed. The binary trigger provides the time and control necessary to line up subsequent shots, whereas the FRT’s rapid reset can make it more difficult to stay on target.

3. Reliability:

  • Best Choice: Forced Reset Trigger (FRT)
  • Why: The FRT has a simpler mechanical design with fewer internal components, which reduces the risk of malfunctions. Binary triggers often require additional maintenance, including periodic spring replacements, which can impact long-term reliability.

4. High-Volume Shooting (Mag Dumps):

  • Best Choice: Forced Reset Trigger (FRT)
  • Why: If your primary goal is to maximize your rate of fire and burn through ammunition at the range, the FRT has a slight advantage. Its forced reset mechanism facilitates a faster and more consistent firing cycle, making it ideal for mag dumps.

5. Home Defense:

  • No Clear Winner — Neither Recommended
  • Why: In high-stress defensive situations, trigger control and shot accountability are paramount. With a binary trigger, it’s easy to forget about the release shot, which could result in an unintended discharge. The FRT, while mechanically reliable, prioritizes speed over precision, which can make shot placement more difficult when it matters most. For home defense, a standard, high-quality semi-automatic trigger is generally a safer and more practical choice.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your specific needs. If accuracy and target reacquisition are your goals, the binary trigger is the better option. If reliability or high-volume shooting is more important, the FRT may be the right fit. In any case, proper training and practice are essential to safely and effectively use either type of trigger.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Both forced reset triggers (FRTs) and binary triggers provide an exciting, fast-paced shooting experience — but that experience comes with costs beyond the initial purchase. These specialty triggers tend to have a higher upfront price compared to standard triggers, and the increased rate of fire means you’ll go through ammunition much faster than expected during a day at the range.

Despite the expense, both triggers can be a valuable addition to a well-rounded firearm collection, offering unique performance benefits for different shooting applications.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. Laws and regulations regarding firearms and firearm accessories vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change.

The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) does not provide legal advice. If you have legal questions or concerns regarding firearm ownership, modifications, or usage, you should consult with a qualified attorney who is familiar with the applicable laws in your area.

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