Colorado’s SB25-003 Clears Another Hurdle

Colorado’s SB25-003 Clears Another Hurdle

Passed by a 36-28 vote, the training requirement/permit-to-purchase scheme heads back to the Senate for Concurrence.

SB25-003 failed to garner enough votes to kill the bill even though seven Democratic Representatives joined with the minority to vote against this bill.

As stated in previous articles, SB25-003 was introduced as a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” but morphed after Governor Jared Polis signaled he would not support outright gun bans.

The bill now requires those who wish to purchase a semi-automatic firearm to go through mandatory hours-long training, ask for permission from a local sheriff to receive a “permit-to-purchase” and then those will legally be able to buy a semi-automatic firearm in Colorado.

Additionally, the bill seeks to ban detachable magazines, allowing a firearm owner to bypass the safety course by attaching a fixed magazine to the semi-automatic firearm.

The bill is now back to the Colorado Senate to concur on the amendments attached to the bill from the House. A vote is likely to happen on Friday, March 28th, according to intel received from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

If Concurrence passes, the bill will head to Gov. Polis’ desk, where he is likely to sign into law. If signed into law, the bill will go into effect August 1st, 2026.

Read more at Colorado News Online.

Read the full article here