ALEXANDRIA, VA — The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) applauds Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX-27) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) on the introduction of the Silencers Help Us Save Hearing (SHUSH) Act, a bill aimed at simplifying the regulatory process for firearm suppressors.
Suppressors (or silencers) reduce the noise of gunfire, minimize recoil, and reduce muzzle blast, contributing to a safer shooting environment.
However, the regulatory process for acquiring such a device has been burdensome for far too long, requiring the filing of ATF forms, providing fingerprints and photographs to an FFL, paying a $200 federal tax, and undergoing a background check/suppressor registration process that can take up to 9-12 months.
The SHUSH Act will:
- Remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act (NFA) and the Gun Control Act (GCA), classifying them as standard firearm accessories.
- Prevent states from imposing additional taxes or registration requirements on suppressors.
- Eliminate the $200 transfer tax and streamline the approval process for law-abiding citizens.
“Suppressors are accessories and should be treated just like magazines, scopes, or gun stocks,” said Hunter King, National Association for Gun Rights. “We’re happy and privileged to be able to work with Sen. Lee and Rep. Cloud on this legislation,”
“Law-abiding Americans shouldn’t have to endure months of red tape and pay an additional tax just to access a safety accessory. The SHUSH Act puts an end to this unnecessary bureaucratic red tape, eliminates the federal tax, and prevents state overreach by treating suppressors like any other firearm accessory.” said Congressman Cloud.
“The SHUSH Act eliminates federal regulation of silencers and treats them as the non-lethal accessory that they are.” said Senator Lee.
The National Association for Gun Rights is a 501(c)(4) organization headquartered in Loveland, Colorado, dedicated to defending the Second Amendment and fighting for the rights of peaceable Americans to keep and bear arms. Since its founding in 2001, NAGR has worked to hold anti-gun politicians accountable and promote maximum individual liberty by mobilizing more than 4.5 million members and grassroots activists nationwide.
Read the full article here