World War III Is Now A Certainty

World War III Is Now A Certainty

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Exposé.

Dr. Vernon Coleman believes that World War III is now a certainty, driven by conspirators who want to destroy Christianity, decency and humanity.  He says that Ukraine’s president, Zelensky, is being supported by these conspirators, who aim for global depopulation and profit from war.

The UK, led by Keir Starmer, is being drawn into the war, with billions spent on arms, which will lead to devastating consequences, including a deepening depression and potential nuclear war.

I’m no fan of Trump or Putin but I am no fan of Zelensky either and when the entire world media, all politicians and most of the internet defend him and say what a fine fellow he is then you know he is a really, really bad egg.

Real history (as opposed to corporate media history) shows that Ukraine got itself into this war. It could have been sorted years ago.

But I believe Zelensky is being supported by the conspirators who want to destroy Christianity, decency and humanity and start World War Three. His backers are the insane conspirators who want global depopulation with the world population cut to 500 million and the UK’s population cut by nearly two-thirds.

Britain is in a dire state. The Labour Party has already pushed us onto the edge of the worst depression since the 1930s. Europe is almost as bad.

We should be spending what little money our countries have on better health care and not on bombs. Starmer’s cuddling up to Zelensky shows that he is determined to be one of the driving forces taking us into World War Three. Who’d have thought it – Starmer won’t be remembered for all those free suits. He’ll be remembered as a warmonger.

It is well acknowledged by historians that World War II was deliberately created by bankers – it was a war fought for profit.

When Poland invaded Germany (not the other way round) Britain used it as an excuse to start a war with Germany. Remember, it was Poland which invaded Germany and Britain that declared war on Germany and not the other way around.

Now we’re heading into World War Three. And the banker conspirators are using exactly the same trick as before. I warned it would happen in a video called `Nuclear War is Coming’ two years ago.

Once again Britain (this time with the rest of Europe) has effectively declared war.

The consequences are going to be appalling.

Starmer has committed Britain to spending billions more on buying bombs and bullets. His is the Government which said it couldn’t afford the winter fuel allowance for pensioners. He is taking us into a war which will kill many Britons and which will push us deeper into a depression that will last for decades. One thing I can guarantee: Starmer, Reeves, Macron, etc., will not be up to their chests in blood and mud – fighting and dying in Ukraine.

The US and the UK have already paid billions on sending bombs and bullets to Ukraine (some of the arms were illegal uranium enriched stuff, of course). Now, as it was always planned, it seems clear that the US will get access to Ukraine’s rich mineral supplies. The UK will get no commodities but a lot of Ukrainian immigrants. Our creaking infrastructure will collapse.

The American bankers will, as I predicted, make money out of their “investment” in Ukraine. (The American technique is described in my book `Their Terrifying Plan’ which you should read if you want to know what is going on. To buy a copy CLICK HERE )

Corporate media claims that the majority of the British people will do anything to help Ukraine and regard Zelensky as a hero. Naturally, this is untrue. The majority of British people have no interest in defending Ukraine (which history shows was the father of its own misfortune) and I suspect many dislike Zelensky (officially addressed as “His Excellency”!) as much as they dislike Starmer.

Last week, the British people were worried about immigration, money and health care – in that order.

This week they can start worrying about World War Three.

If we are all nuked (which is now likely) then we won’t have to worry about immigration, money and health care.

The world population will fall dramatically. And the bankers will become even richer.

Starmer’s War isn’t about saving Ukraine – it’s about making money for billionaires.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

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